Jan 30, 2023
The gospel or “good message” of the Bible is NEVER anything that sounds like a condition you have to meet, like “you can be saved if….”
One of the essential elements of the good message—evident all through Jesus’ teaching in the New Testament—is that “YOU CAN’T HAVE TO.”
Consider an...
Jan 24, 2023
How should we be sharing the good news with others? What does it really mean? The way most people experience the good news message in their encounters with Christianity doesn't sound like good news at all. How can we begin conversations in a compelling and grace-filled way that reflects the actual good news of the...
Jan 20, 2023
God has already saved everyone from before creation. Like a mother’s womb and the atmosphere of our world that provides our life – this is the context we are conceived in. Thus life and salvation isn’t something you get yourself into, but something you grow in awareness of, realizing the reality surrounding you....
Jan 17, 2023
What is the connection between the pursuit of happiness and the pursuit of religion as a means of obtaining that happiness? How about the brief and vulnerable nature of materialistic happiness, the burden of saving oneself as counterproductive in the pursuit of happiness?
Contrast all that with a religion where all...
Jan 13, 2023
Religion, to most people, means a system of thinking and
practices; most think of one of the
world religions.
For our conversation, “religion” means “what governs.” Everyone does something religiously, and what governs a person can be known with accuracy, in contrast to what a person may say they believe.