Mar 30, 2023
In the account of the healing at the pool of Bethesda, here are some questions we consider:
Mar 27, 2023
After the account of the woman at the well, we read of the Capuranum official with the sick son. Why does Jesus often push back on people who come to Him for help?
As mentioned in this episode, I've done a study of when the words "it is necessary" and "unless" are included in the Gospel of John. If you're interested...
Mar 23, 2023
Witness the change in the woman's attitude in verses 28 and 29.
When Jesus' disciples urge him to eat, what is the food that Jesus speaks of? What gives Jesus energy? How does this help explain the forty days of fasting in the wilderness?
What is the meaning of the short parable in this passage? What does it reveal...
Mar 21, 2023
The account of the woman at the well continues. Where is her mind stuck? How is she similar to Nicodemus from the previous chapter? How can we learn from her situation?
Mar 17, 2023
In this podcast episode, I reference the red pyramid world. You can see a visual of this concept here. As we move into chapter four--Jesus meeting the woman at the well--we encounter these questions: