Jun 25, 2024
How should we think about emotions? What about God's emotions? Are our emotions a choice? Where do they fall in the dynamics of cause/effect in our lives?
What would God's wisdom tell us to think about the emotions we feel? What would stewardship have one do with...
Jun 18, 2024
The second installment of our salvations series, in this episode we consider if salvation is an intellectual processs--are we getting information about God, using our reason, and making an informed decision from there? What are the problems with this idea? What does the Bible say about this?
Jun 11, 2024
One of the many benefits of engaging students and bearing concerns and care for other people is that the gravity of our needs keeps pressing us more deeply into the green arc of God's truth and grace. Most recently I have been pressed into thinking about how Christianity and salvation can be thought about in several...