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The Word Without Walls Podcast

Dec 10, 2024

As the student questions series continues, I'm talking through questions inspired from a text we use in Core Theology class at Concordia University-Irvine–Called to Believe by Steven Mueller.  Chapter one of this book is entitled, “The Task of Theology.”  Today's episode continues the same topic as our last episode--the task of theology.   Discussions I have with my students based on this chapter include:

  • Consider the validity of this statement: "Deism is cruelty."  What's the difference between theism and deism?  Does it matter?
  • What happens when I die?  How do I know?
  • What about while I live?  Does religion only pay off when I die?
  • Hasn't Christianity done a lot of harm throughout history?
  • Why is theology so controversial?

I talk through how we can get students thinking deeply about these topics, sympathizing with where they are coming from, and lead them to truth.