Mar 29, 2024
As we continue to work through questions related to baptism, one student asks how baptism relates to faith/belief/trust? As we work through this, we define the terms faith/belief/trust. We'll talk about different worldviews, including a Red Pyramid World, which you can view a visual of below. What is the problem with...
Mar 25, 2024
This is the first of several questions regarding baptism. A student wonders when a soul is regenerated, thinking about John the Baptist leaping in the womb. As we work through this question, let's consider what each person consists of (body, soul, and spirit), and how life begins. How integral is the Word of God in...
Mar 21, 2024
This episode's question concerns evil--How does God take evil and use it for good? Does that make it good? In working through this, we define what good, evil, and wickedness all mean. How is it that evil is a necessity in the world? How is wickedness different from evil?
Mar 19, 2024
In this episode, a student asks about how the flood narrative and Israel in Exodus connect with baptism, and demonstrate sin and salvation. In answering, we look at examples throughout the Bible of both the Old Adam, and those who are honest about their dependance on God. Can we also see examples...
Mar 14, 2024
A student asks about the genealogy of Jesus as written in Matthew. How and why is it different from Luke? What are the point of genealogies in the Bible? What are important things to note, and what can we learn from them?